Snake hook!do you guys use it?

LOLl, doesn’t surprise me, my Stimson’s python is the same way. She has bit and wrapped my hand every time I touch her without the hook. (of course, she is so small she barely breaks skin)

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Yes they don’t hurt! But mine don’t let go lol

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LOL, worse then a king snake. Of course it is amusing to walk around with a snake wrapped around one’s hand, especially if one has company. A real conversation starter.

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I’d like to get more, a new medium size and a small size, but I rarely use mine that often. Mostly on the Woma pythons because they’re hungry meatheads. For my Bloods and Balls I don’t have to bother, and the kingsnakes are too small to do much if they grab you.

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Got my snake hook from here several years ago. Customizable to different size hooks and lengths, and even different materials that are not suppose to shock animal by being cold to the touch. Has other herping equipment.

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