Hello everyone! I was wondering if you fine folks could recommend a brand or style of snake hook for me. I’d be using it on an juvenile blood python for the moment, though I’ll eventually need one large enough for an adult blood python and likely other large-ish constrictors in the future.
I currently have two hooks, both of which were given to me. One is one of those crappy little collapsible ones, which I’ve heard a lot of people talk smack about, though honestly, I’ve found it works just fine for small, lightweight snakes. My blood python has simply outgrown it. The other hook I have has a larger hook (though a short handle), and it would be fine except that it has a rubber coating on the hook part, and I find it much more difficult to slide it underneath my snake smoothly. The rubber coating produces more drag against her scales than I’d like.
I don’t really use the hook to fully pick up the snake, I just use it to lift up a portion of her body enough so I can slide my other hand under her to lift her out of her tub. This seems to stress her out less than when I just reach my hand in right away. Not sure if that matters, but I figured it might be helpful to know how I’m using it.
I just figured I’d ask some experts before going out and spending my hard-earned money.
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Funny you mentioned one of those collapsible hooks. My go to hook is one i made from a collapsible. I took the last section of it off, cut a golf club (from goodwill) down to about 2’ and epoxied the hook end into the handle. I use it for everything from neos I’m hook training up to adult Boas.
I love my little collapsible hook! Unfortunately, my blood python’s body is now too thick to fit in the curve of the hook. So my issue isn’t the flimsy collapsible part (although that was becoming an issue as she got heavier), but the hook itself. Sadly your solution wouldn’t solve my problem. That’s a great idea, though!
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Midwest tongs or Venom Life gear. Quality hooks you can trust with your life.
The Get Hooked equipment from VenomLife Gear have been fantastic for me. I have five of them in various sizes scattered throughout the snake room
I’ll check out VenomLife, thanks! I’m not going to be using it with anything venomous, but I guess that doesn’t really matter.
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I do not keep anything hot either. “VenomLife” is just a play on the “SaltLife” brand, it is not specifically for hots
Thanks to everyone who offered their feedback. I’m going to try to get at least a couple VenomLife hooks, they look like they’d be perfect. I’d like to get one of their standard size and one of their python/gaboon size…though sadly the standard size is currently sold out on their website. I’ll have to poke around the interwebs a bit and see if I can find a vendor who has them in stock.
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I made two one out of a fishing pole and this one from a old golf club. Someone stoled my fishing pole one at a reptile show. It had the standard C shape hook on it.
The hook is 3/8" aluminum rod from the hardware store. Used Gorilla glue in the hand to secure the aluminum rod to the handle. Used a small plumbers pipe bender to make the hook. Did not cost much to make I think less than $10.