When dealing with a scorched earth policy situation I have found the following to be the best course of action:
- Acquire your mite killer of choice (Frontline spray, Prevent-A-Mite, Nix, whatever)
- Spray the inside of four times the number of bags as animals you are having to treat and allow them to dry
- Grab a few simple holding bins
- Take every animal out of its enclosure and tie it inside a bag
- Set the bags in the bins to keep them out of the way.
- Strip EVERYTHING from inside the enclosure and anything that cannot be baked in an oven or soaked in bleach - throw it away
- If you are working with cages, take them outside. If you are working with a rack, take the bins outside
- Hose everything down and scrub with dishsoap
- Let dry
- While drying, return to room and:
a. If only dealing with cages - lightly spray entire floor area, with special attention to along the baseboards and corners, with your mite killer of choice
b. If dealing with racks - spray the floor as above but also spray inside each shelf of the rack, with special attention to the corners and the underside (e.g., the “top” to each bin) of each shelf - Go back outside and lightly spray the inside and outside of each enclosure/cage/bin with your mite killer of choice
- Go back inside and, now that the floor is dry, vacuum everywhere
- Take out the full trash bag that is probably teaming with mites. Begin your bake and/or bleach of non-disposable items. Two hours minimum for 200F bake, thirty minutes wet contact time minimum on 10% bleach for soak
- Spray the inside of the trashcan with mite killer of choice
- Go outside and get your enclosures
- Put everything back in the room
- Take the bin of bagged animals outside
- One at a time, remove an animal from its bag and gently wipe down with a rag lightly sprayed with mite killer of choice. One rag per animal
- Put wiped-down animal in a new bag (from step 2)
- Put newly bagged animals into a new holding bin
- Take the bin back inside
- Go and strip down, bag your clothes, and take a shower
- Put on new, clean clothes
- Return to snake room
- Outfit enclosures with simple furnishing/bedding. I prefer paper and generic hides. If you must use some kind of organic bedding, make sure it is dry
- Lightly spray furnishing/bedding with mite killer of choice
- Let dry
- One by one, return animals to enclosures.
- DO NOT place water bowls in enclosures!!
- After 2-3 days, you can return water bowls
- Monitor a minimum of weekly. If you are using paper, you will likely see dead mites. A dust buster is a great tool for removal
- After 4 weeks, place the animals in one of the unused sets of bags from step 2
- Empty and dispose of all items in enclosures
- Repeat steps 25-33
- Hopefully by this point you have broken the reproductive cycle of the mites
- Set up enclosures however you like and return to status quo