We just got our first snake rack for hognose babies this spring. It’s a small one by Animal Plastics called the AP-330. It’s got 4 levels, with 3 tubs each. The problem I’m having is that there’s about a 12 degree variance in temperature, with the top shelf oddly being the coolest. I’ll be getting 95-97 on the lower shelves while only getting 85 on the top shelf. This likely drops a little at night, putting the top shelf in the low to mid 80s. I’m using a VE-200 thermostat and a temp gun to check temps in the tubs at the rear under the hide.
It feels like this isn’t an acceptable amount of variance and that I should maybe split the heat tape at the top shelf and run it with another thermostat. It seems like such a small rack shouldn’t have so much variance though and ought to be able to br fun off of one thermostat. What do you guys think?
How do you have your t-stat probe set up? The location can affect how the temps flux.
Also, what temps are you seeing in the room the rack is in?
I have an AP rack for my larger BPs. The flux isn’t too bad, but I have my probe attached to a bit of the tape using aluminum tape to hold it down/shield the probe from open air.
Thanks for the reply! I noticed that little slot AP provides doesn’t allow the probe to contact the tape and wasn’t working well, so I routered out that slot to allow the probed to slide over the heat tape and taped it down to it. Oh, and i have it on the 2nd shelf from the top instead of at the top shelf. I also cut the corrugated plastic that slides in over the heat tape so there’s a notch the probe can be in. The snake rack is in this landing area at the top of the stairs for our 2nd story, so it does see a bit of airflow up there. Nothing crazy, but a bedroom or office would have less air movement for sure. I’m surprised the top one is the coolest level. Figured it would be the bottom.
Hmm… I would be suspicious of the window possibly causing a temperature differential. Especially if it’s been cold where you are. It’s the #1 reason it’s recommended not to house small animals and exotic pets by windows.
If the probe is hitting cooler air up top it could still be warm below and overheating there. That’s the only thing I can think of if the probe is actually attached to the tape and not in the groove. (I never use those unless they are purposely built to contact the heat tape)
Looks good, I know you’re looking forward to seeing babies in those bins.
I agree. If the top level is being chilled by ambient cooler air, and this is “the” spot where the rack fits, you can overcome that to a large degree by putting insulation behind the rack. I have a sheet of foam board insulation from the hardware store placed behind some bins which are against an outside wall. If that doesn’t even things out enough you could add insulation to the top of the rack as well.
It’s made a big difference in keeping temps stable for mine. You can cut the foam board to fit and hot glue it in place so it isn’t really noticeable. I suppose you could paint it if you want, as long as you use a nontoxic paint and let it vent adequately after drying.