Snake Room Build

Perfect! I wasn’t sure if AP was the store or pick up location, so I’ll take a look there and mess around on the website, thank you!


No problem. I was mistaken when I initially stated the options for overhead heating were limited. I was thinking within the context of stacking them but when I took a look on the website I saw they do have the option to add a hole and screen for overhead lighting/heating.


HVAC, electrical, and insulation are in. Drywall should be going up today or tomorrow. Actually looks more like a room now. Sorry for the dark pic/flash, had to take this before I left for work this morning and the sun wasn’t up and we have no over head lighting yet.


Actually looks a bit like a room now :grin:

Sheet rock went up yesterday. Still needs to be mudded and sanded but we have walls.


Oooowweeeee! We have paint, power, and light!

Still no snakes :pensive:

Zooming out to get the whole room in the shot makes it look very narrow.

I like how bright the lights are.


Nice! I finished out a room in my basement, but only took before and after pics. Love the color of your walls, almost like mine. What are you going with on the floor? I’ll see if I can attach pics of my room. I also work from home 2 days a week so I put it in my snake room. size is 12x23

What was the lighting you used for inside the cage? Waiting on my cage to get here.


Nice room! You got a ton of space left to fill :wink:

What are you keeping?

Can’t wait for this to be finished in a few more weeks and get everyone moved in.

The LEDs were just stick on under cabinet LEDs from Amazon I strung together. They look good but we’ll see how long they last. :joy:

The floor is just going to be the same LVP we run through the rest of the basement. It’s a similar color to yours.

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1.1 uscbb northern emerald tree boas
1.1 jungle carpet pythons
.1 spotted python
1.4 ball pythons
2.1 corn snakes
.1 western hog nose

Getting cages for the northerns and jungles later this year

Still have to do baseboards and frame out window


Nice collection! How’s the temperament on the ETBs?

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I took Sammy and Cheeto down to check out the new room. The first snakes to be in there. Judging by their scowls of approval I think they like it!


They are gorgeous!


They are typical northerns. Female strikes out but they will settle down as they get older. They just turned 1

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Nice! Those guys are very tempting to get. How is their temperament?


Most of mine are super chill. A few of them started out a little hissy and did some tail buzzing but they grew out of that quick. I do have one small female that will strike but she’s small so she bounces off your hand. She is starting to calm down though.

Very scary!!! :joy:

I’ve been bitten more times by my son’s corn snake than all the bulls combined. I think the rep they have is pretty undeserved. Sure some of them never grow out of the hissy, buzzy, striking behavior but most do and you can get jerk snake with any species.