So I’m obsessed 😍

Here we have Fievels newest decor,AND hims successfully shed for the first time ever in my care! So I had the humidity correct after all! Yaaaay! He’s SUUUUPER green! He’s such a beautiful little dude! And his tail y’all his tail is back! :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: so at least I know he feels comfortable enough here with us to be able to shed and regenerate his tail successfully! Up next we have Derps enclosure with added substrate


Beautiful setups. Congrats on the regenerated tail!


Those set ups are SWEET! Fievel looks extremely handsome sporting his brand new tail! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Thank you :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: I can’t wait till I get them each their 18x18x24 and set it up I love setting up enclosures and setting up the decor and it helps especially with geckos because they like it cluttered lots of places to hide! Ahhhhh,I know! His little tail is looking so good! His little golden speckles are on his tail too :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: he’s just such a cool dude!


:heart::heart::heart::heart: I did the happy dance lol i was worried for a bit because it was gray so I thought necrosis of the tail but turns out it was just healing! I had been keeping track since we brought him home then we found what necrosis actually would look like …so glad it’s not that! We need to get all our geckos to
The vet but we were gonna use Sunny’s vet …until we saw the vets online care and husbandry instructions he has for geckos what he has for beardies is A1 that’s why we went to him that and he’s nice he cares about the animals that come in …idk what pearlite is or the other one that’s similar sounding but im not putting that in anybodies enclosure idc if it helps with humidity im not
Putting it in there it made me SO uncomfortable thinking about it


I think pearlite in soil is either a fertilizer? or something to help aerate the soil? or I am all wet! :joy:. But yeah I definitely I would not use it! :+1:

Glad you have found a good reptile vet! :+1::clap:


It just scared me because these lights achieve literally the same thing as what he wanted us to use and I was like NOPE. I try to explain that to people,if they ever get a goofy feeling in their gut that something ain’t right,then there’s their answer it’s not right.