I’m not exactly sure of the mechanics - it might help move things along, but at the very least, it’s a little calorie boost for a female who might be too tired otherwise. Especially since females usually stop eating for a while before laying.
That’s also a very fair point, idk why my first thought was manual internal pushing rather than the energy boost from more calories
So glad. Such a scary thing.
Yay! And they look fantastic together.
First lock for these two, Feldspar and Krakatoa. Of course they choose to breed right before I’m leaving for 6 days. I like to space my breedings apart by 2 or 3 days, so this one will have to have a bigger gap.
Excellent! What a pair. Dayum.
Looks like things are going great guns out there! Our maybe I should say they’re going great CORNS. You are going to be getting some wonderful babies, Olivia.
Wisteria is laying eggs this morning! She only has one out so far, so hopefully she’ll have made more progress by this evening when I check again.
Yay! Get ‘em all out, girl.
And one more girl has started laying today - Zinnia the sunkissed tessera. I never saw any breeding activity from her and Thistle (they were housed together since he’s apparently too shy to breed in a bare breeding bin). The egg I can see looks like it’s probably not a slug, so hopefully he got the job done!
I really hope he got the job done. Looks like it!
Excellent! Can’t wait for pips.
Yeah, now for the long wait!
Some mad scientist needs to develop a Quik-Hatch™️ spray.
Way to go, Wisteria! She’s such a pretty girl.
How is Zinnia doing?
Not great, unfortunately. She got 6 eggs out and now has stalled. I did offer her a hopper tonight, which she initially struck, but then dropped it and didn’t eat it. So I put her back in her lay box and will check on her tomorrow morning. It feels like she still has 4 or 5 more eggs, at least. It doesn’t help that she’s my least people-friendly snake! She does not like me touching her on a good day and I’m trying to limit the level of stress I’m exposing her to during this delicate time.
On the bright side, the 6 eggs she laid already have veins, so they should all be fertile!
I am going to just sit here and wait for pips…I am very excited to see them .
Oh no, I hope she passes them for you. Praying that she does Olivia.