Sold to me as a bamboo, but looks different then what i have seen

what do you guys think bamboo or something else?


That’s definitely a bamboo, but if there’s other morphs involved I wouldn’t be able to give much for insight on that.


This is deff a bamboo


Like others have said it’s definitely got Bamboo.

I personally think other genes sometimes get mixed up and “lost” in people’s Bamboo projects because Bamboo can overpower a lot of other genes. I’m working on a isolating a possible gene in my projects that probably came from my original Bamboo girl for example.

So there’s a possibility that there’s something else there, but Bamboo also just has a ton of variability, so also maybe not

I’m far from an expert but it looks like a bamboo to me. Would be interesting to prove it out and see if there is anything else.

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will be putting him to a couple females this year, tho debating to keep it simple and see what he throws or make some combos. tho you are all correct bamboo seems to dominate most other genes.

i was pretty sure he was bamboo. ill have to put him to some females this season and see what results. iv just never seen one so light.

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Looks like just a very nice example of bamboo :slight_smile:


My guess is that in addition to Bamboo, there is also Fire or YB present. The overall brightness of the animal is one thing, and then the line at the back of the head can pop up with either of these combos.The yellowish hue in the head and dorsal has me leaning towards YB. I take it you do not know the pairing that produced him? Maybe reach back out to the breeder that produced him and see if he ca. n at least point you in a direction.

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