This clutch is all out and I am just waiting for the first shed to sex them and hopefully determine what they are. Breeding was a Fire Enchi Orange Dream to Orange Dream Yellow Belly. Incredible colors on all of them…!
Why is just a link to my picture and not the actual picture in the post?
I love that top center one with the really dark black. Is that ODYB or is that super OD?
Thanks Jason, that is the second time this has happened when I try to post a picture. They need to fix that when you upload a picture.
oh man, my girlfriend would love one of these. they are spectacular
You need sunglasses to lock at that! Awesome clutch @albey
Beautiful ODs!!! I can’t wait until I breed my OD SPIDER with my sterling kingpin.
Wow these are incredible! @albey
Bottom left looks awesome!
Beautiful work. Congrats!
[qte=“critterscreatures, post:3, topic:1420”]
I would so take any one of them and not even picky which one I got they are all off the chain
Those are @albey’s snakes, his picture didn’t load properly at first so I helped. I’ve withdrawn my post so it doesn’t take away from his.