… But today is not that day
So much variety
And the individual pics
Butter OD (poss YB)
Cypress OD
BlkPastel Butter Enchi OD
BlkPewter Butter Cypress
Butter Cypress Enchi Pastel OD (I think… )
BlkPewter Butter Enchi OD (Maybe… Possibly… )
I would totally be guessing clown combo on the last one without knowing the pairing. That’s pretty awesome.
Nothing like variety in a clutch
Ooh, gorgeous clutch!
I have a 5 gene pairing that produced only 3 eggs I’m hoping for some nice variety when they hatch out! (Pairing was 1.0 butter spinner x 0.1 pewter)
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This guy/girl is absolutely incredible.
Awsome clutch chief. Are you working with Neilsen or Barnhart line black pastel?
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Killer clutch Travis👍 Congrats.
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Pairing was Butter Enchi OD Pastel YB x BlkPastel Cypress. So definitely no Clown in there LOL
You like her, you will love her older brother (that I originally thought was the BlkButter Enchi OD combo but now I am guessing he has either Cypress or YB in him which gave him the melted laterals)
Nope. This is one of the three lines of BlkPastel that Outback works with.
he looks like a Simpson donut
I can’t wait to see how she looks at his size.
You could always invite her to live with you LOL
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Its amazing how the combo of black pastel and enchi widen the area of dorsal coloration. I may have to try that sometime.
The invitation isn’t necessary, she is welcome in my house any time
This BlkPastel sire seems to have a pretty strong black back associated with him. Not all BlkPastels will behave this way however
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Congratulations on these beauties!! Have to say, the Black Pastel Butter Enchi OD is my fav.
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Cool. just looks a lot like the Barnhart black pastel dinker project that BELMorps has been working with. Looks awsome regardless.
Well Trey did get his original stock from Outback so there is a possibility of shared genetics all the way back there I suppose…