Thank you! These were some of my first macro pictures in a while. It does take a lot of patience, especially since 90% of the frames don’t come out in focus.
So awesome, good job, really
Yep, this definitely takes a lot of patience and skill, especially since by the time you find a good shot it is out of focus
It can be enjoyable though to take some awesome pictures.
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated here. I recently got a new macro lens and here are some pictures from that. I’ll make a new post for each “category” of pictures to keep it more organized, and so my computer doesn’t crash.
One of my leopard gecko babies, a dbl het albino blizzard.
Zebra Isopod, Armadillidium maculatum
Panda King Isopod, Cubaris sp
Dairy Cow Isopod, Porcellio laevis
Rubber Ducky Isopod, Cubaris sp
Here are some pictures that I took at a local park.
Here are some of the inverts that I found
You are getting really good at this!
Thank you! It takes a lot of practice but this new lens I got makes it so much easier and results in much higher quality pictures (which you can’t tell because these are just screenshots of the pictures, otherwise my computer really would crash). Most of the pictures don’t turn out well but it’s still a ton of fun.
Lol it takes a lot of time and dedication to become a @welshmorphology.
That’s for sure! I have a much larger respect for her work after having tried it. Just the patience of getting an animal to sit still long enough to get a picture is a lot for me, but having unique postures, great focus, lighting, and background is very impressive.
I was taking some pictures today of my sand boa and figured I’d share them here.
This next one is a composition I knew I wanted to capture, but I would have liked the background to be a bit brighter (which would increase contrast and translucency through the tongue). The second picture is an edited version, which is a bit closer to what I wanted, but it loses a lot of important things (like sharpness and being realistic). I’m going to try retaking the picture sometime but for now I’m happy with it.