Species advice

Check this out re: pine as substrate

Check out paragraph 6

Just wanted to share the little I know.

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This is like the paper I read when I was researching about snakes awhile ago. Great Info sharing!!!

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I mean while I search not everything is said

I would never say pine bark or pine in any form is ideal for snakes, being treated or not.
I personally just wouldn’t gamble my reptiles health over substrate, it doesn’t makes sense to me.

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I mean I bought it in a pet store I dont think they sell something that can arm my snake btw I searched and only 3 species of pine are dangerous for snakes

There are plenty of items sold at pet stores that can harm snakes. It depends on if you use it properly or not.


And I seriously doubt anyone who ones reptiles and knows how to keep them correctly would say to use pine for substrate.


I used excavator Clay in my geckos enclosure. There is a low area towards the back where I placed the Ester dish and coco fiber.