Spell check in topic titles

There is no spell check in titles of discussion, I am always being corrected or posting rubbish words.
Its irritating as a dyslexic. it makes it hard to see if there are tags already created too if I spell the tag wrong. I dont want to make wrongly spelt new tags.
But its mainly the title.
I am fine in the post it self.
Is there any way to change that?
Maybe I should just try harder and make the post in a word document first.
Sorry to mone.

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This isn’t a feature we can add, as we rely on the browser to do spellcheck/autocorrect. The majority of modern browsers do, but may need applying in the settings. (Or keyboard settings on mobile).

However I’m sure we can help you get that set up on your browser for you.
What do you use?


Thanks, I use chrome.
If not I will try harder and use a word document first, just a pain to do that, less responsive and time.
Just so others know, being DIAGNOSED dyslexic is not uneducated or slow. Its just different.
its my job to tell millionaires they are wrong and how to run their businesses better, and they thank me and pay me well for it

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Try this:

  1. Go to Chromes Settings .
  2. Click Advanced and then languages .
  3. To the right of ‘Spell check’, turn it on or off.

Thanks… will do so :slight_smile: