Spider BP Research

I agree with @t_h_wyman on this one, I think your idea for a project is going to be more advanced and much more work than you think it will. First you’re going to need to identify the exact gene that’s mutated to cause the spider morph, which will involve sequencing multiple spider and normal/WT ball pythons, and then comparing the sequences. Do you have access to a sequencer, experience extracting DNA and preparing samples for sequencing, analyzing sequence data and and probably minimum 10K worth of funding to pay for sequencing and the programs you will need access to?

Then, once you’ve identified the gene and genetic variant that causes the spider morph, in order to figure out why some cases are more severe than others, you will need to look at both environmental and genetic variation.

But first you’ll have to find a way to quantify the severity of a ball python’s neurological defects, and how you are going to measure and analyze these.

As @erie-herps mentioned, severe cases of the wobble are often due to improper husbandry. In order to look at which environmental factors influence the neurological defect, you’ll need to use clutch mates so they have similar genetic backgrounds as possible, so you can’t just buy a bunch of random spider hatchlings. You’ll either have to hatch them yourself or buy several clutches of single gene spider hatchlings from the same breeder so you know that they were all incubated and raised the same way before subjecting them to different environmental experiences (like stress or high temperature). You’ll want to look at hatchlings, adolescence and adults to see how it the neurological phenotype changes with age, so you’re probably looking at several years of studying this set of snakes.

You’ll also need to look at genetic modifiers of the phenotype, which will involve looking at a different set of spider ball pythons with diverse genetic backgrounds (not clutch mates), use the same set of criteria for determining which spider ball pythons are more severely affected, and which are less affected, and sequence and analyze to identify which genetic variants may be enhancing or suppressing the spider neurological phenotype, like I’ve discussed here. This in and of itself is a full PhD thesis project.

All in all, not an impossible project, but a bit much for a senior thesis or even a masters project