The cost of actual sequencing is not terrible, in research terms. Probably looking at a few thousand. Bigger matter is the bioinformatic tools and processing power involved in decoding, interpreting, and understanding the different data sets
More information on these ideas can be found here:
A every representative of a given morph should have the same mutation at a given locus (with some notable exceptions, like Albino), yes. But, to be able to confidently call the specific mutation requires a statistically significant number of individuals that carry the mutation being interrogated to ensure that the change at the genomic level that is found is consistent. Given the number of “silent” mutations that occur across a genome, if you only looked at a single representative of any given …
And here:
I agree with @t_h_wyman on this one, I think your idea for a project is going to be more advanced and much more work than you think it will. First you’re going to need to identify the exact gene that’s mutated to cause the spider morph, which will involve sequencing multiple spider and normal/WT ball pythons, and then comparing the sequences. Do you have access to a sequencer, experience extracting DNA and preparing samples for sequencing, analyzing sequence data and and probably minimum 10K w…
And here:
Hello everyone. I am very new to the whole world of Ball Pythons and reptile breeding for the purpose of selecting specific colorations and patterns. I don’t even own a snake…yet.
I have been browsing through a lot of sites, forums, youtube videos and other sources to find out if anyone has tried to collect enough breeding data to put together a rough map of the morph genome, a “morphome” map if you will.
The reason I ask is because I have only found 2-3 threads that address the subject of rec…
And here:
I disagree completely. Continuing to use the wrong term when you know it is wrong just because it is easy is not an excuse. Further, I would argue that a sizable section of the hobby do not even know it is wrong. When something is wrong, you work to correct it. We should be educating people, not perpetuating wrong information
I never said to call it “het Pastel”. As hobby terms, Pastel and SuperPastel are fine. But genetics is a defined science and as long as we all want to claim to understan…