Spotnose and Chocolate Are Allelic?

It seems a lot of homozygous or multi gene hypermelanistic animals run into issues… especially if you pay close attention to eye/snout morphology… I’ve said before that IMO “wobble” is more a single behavior that is one characteristic of a more complex neurological condition (perhaps with variable degrees of severity) - most noteable in spiders, but detectable within the complex if you know what you’re looking for… Basically I feel whatever gene encodes the proteins that lead to expression of spider pattern (in its most extreme form) also codes for whatever protein causes/regulates the linked neuro function either in its excess or deficiency…

Thanks for compiling this info, first time I’m hearing some of it. :+1:

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They have been grouped in the spider complex but not all these genes are alleic. So in my opinion it isn’t a complex at all just we’re they list everything else that don’t fit into a complex.

The phenotype and behaviour would argue that this is a defect in melanocyte migration. If you have studied embryonic cellular development, the patterning/layout of the neural crest is codependent on proper migration of the melanocytes. Ergo, If the melanocytes are not migrating properly then so to, the neurons from the neural crest are not established properly.


Little help does alelic mean something is apart of the spider complex?

An allele is one of two or more variant forms of a gene that have arisen through mutation.

Blackhead, HGW, and Spider are proven alleles of the same gene

BlkPastel, Cinny, GreenPastel, Gypsy, HetRedAx, Huffman, Jolt, Lori, Razor are proven alleles of the same gene

I’ve only scratched the intro to these topics, but that makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for informing me of the mechanism I was reaching to describe… haha

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Right, technically only proven allelic morphs should fall into the same complex.

Just wanted to share this awsome new video by none other than Justin of course. Dont want to spoil it but he definitely made some powerhouses.

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