Start of ovulation on a first timer and

Its about damn time… lol. I have been pairing her for over a year now (started in 12/2020). Proof they are really in control and go when they want!

Super Enchi Mojave poss OD x Firefly TSK axanthic.


So true

Congrats :slight_smile:
I have lots of locks but am still waiting to see that.
Might of missed it though, don’t know if its true but I heard it can be for as little as 24 hours.

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It can. I’ve missed them before.

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Crazy that she was paired up for a year and just now ovulated. Was the male(s) locking up with her monthly?

Blue Line Morphs on YouTube recently got an ultrasound and shared his findings. It was shocking to hear how his females were at completely different stages than he expected based upon how long they had been paired. I’m definitely coming around to the benefit of an ultrasound!


Yes monthly up to October 2021 (because we were getting ready for a cross country move) and was repaired January and February.

I got an ultrasound a couple weeks ago and was very surprised also. I’m really hoping this helps “save” my males throughout the year.


I still haven’t decided if I’m ultrsounding every 2 weeks or 4 though. And no one ever answers when I ask for opinions.


I don’t have an ultra sound yet, but will one day so I want to know too.
As such I don’t know the answer, but logically I would suggest its not that critical, and whats the harm in 4 weeks?
4 week pros and cons -
Pros - less disturbance and more measurable difference in size.
Cons - less stats for a stats/numbers freak like me.

Just my feeling, hopefully you will get your question answered (and my thoughts answered) by people who actually have an ultrasound and more experience of using it.

Oh, edit: the save the males thing is a good point, but mine all seem ok either eating and mating or fasting a bit.

The only thing I can think of to consider when ultrasounding is they aren’t going to grow follicles at the same rate so if you wanted to pair at say 18-20 mm and one is sitting at 15, then you wait 4 weeks thinking about a mm a week and then ultrasound them and they are are already over 20mm… but idk how critical that would be unless they go from like 15 to 25 real quick. This year I don’t feel like its super critical for me because most of my breeders have been paired at some point already but more of those virgins and such. but maybe I am over thinking it too. lol


But what about retained sperm?
we are not even talking about a year of retained sperm here, just a few weeks?
Also I have heard Locks can stimulate the beginning of the breeding pattern in follicle growth if I am not mistaken.
It seems to have done so for me.

Edit: would someone please help. I am only giving logical discussion with little experience

@saleengrinch and anyone else like @t_h_wyman

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I have a few virgin females this year, and I honestly don’t know how fast the follicles grow. We wouldn’t be talking about retained sperm… just natural follicle growth. I have also heard pairing can stimulate the beginning of follicle growth but since this specific girl for instance has been pairing for over a year and just now ovulating I am not sure its necessarily true but more of a coincidence.

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I wish I could help you but I have zero experience or knowledge in this department.

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Part of me wants to ultrasound every week just to see the follicle differences… but then again its probably a waste of time to do it that way.

I would recommend checking every week just for this season to give you a better of how fast and what rate they are growing. Just from a person who would like more data points :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


Yeah I considered this for sure. I love data!


Yes, both you and lumpy have a point.
At least if you do it that way to start, once you have the data you will be able to answer your own questions and advise the rest of us about what frequency shows a difference.


Never used an ultrasound so I cannot say. I palp my females weekly when I am cleaning so I am always aware of who is and is not developing (and have hit the point that I can call clutch sizes pretty accurately)

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Yeah I can’t palpate worth crap… I think it’s cause of my small hands. Lol. I’ve tried many times… up until now I’ve just used signals of building and eating habits but that was still a guess so I was pairing but I’m hopeful I can use my males less now.

Yes I used to be able to palpitate american snakes well but could only really notice egg numbers not follicle growth really, but ball pythons are fatter and its been a while.
Maybe my ball pythons are just not at that stage where the eggs are big enough for me yet.
If they have eggs at all yet.
Time will tell.
On the other hand, do I care? Follicles can be re absorbed, also my ball pythons are mating often and have displayed bowl hugging, increased food hunting, thickening by tail etc, So they are doing the right behaviour for follicle growth.
So I really just want to know when ovulation had occurred if i miss the visual day, which I guess I can still do with palpitation and/or behaviour.

That is so dope

Here’s what my weekly ultrasond looks like so far… lol it seems to be all over the place for some. Of course I doubt I am ultrasounding the same follicle every week which would cause some descrepencies.

follicles growth