Guys, I feel like im getting crazy, how do I get to see the the world map where you would see all the stores worldwide and depending on how many ads it had, the snakie on top would be either red, green, blue or purple. It was super usefull and I cant find it lmao
I have never seen this map, but I would love to, once this question gets answered
Seems the MorphMap page itself is gone, I get a 404 error. I’ve moved your post to Marketplace support, and I’ll tag @eaglereptiles @aj-admin @brittni-admin to see if they have the answer.
Yep, Jess is correct, and the MorphMap has been discontinued, for the time being at least. The page wasn’t getting enough traffic to support its maintenance
Aw, dangit. That was one of my quite often used features. I was just looking for it the other day too.
I have seen it! It’s really cool! Or should I say “Was”!
Pretty stupid on their part. Like the map set up way better.
But is it really? If so few people were using it then what is the point of keeping it when something else that more people will use can take its place? Please think about it before insulting “them”.
And here is some super secret info: there are multiple staff who are over here regularly
Any other way of seeing sellers in my country?? Because that was how I bought some of my snakes, european union is too big
There’s a distance slider in the filters when you’re searching. I think that might be the only way?