Strange Ball Python poop

Hey guys!

I’m petsitting at my neighbors house for a week and that includes a plethora of Ball pythons! As I was cleaning enclosures today and misting I noticed something very strange in one of the female Ball pythons enclosure. It looked almost like bloody poop, however, it’s not the snake poop I’m used to. I’ve attached a picture and texted the owner. She said she has no idea what it is and hasn’t seen it before so I gathered it in a baggy so we can bring it to the Vet when she gets back. I just wanted to see if anyone on here knew anything about it and if there’s anyway I can remedy it or if it’s an emergency. Thanks!

How big is that female? If big enough by the look of it I would say expelled ova.

Yeah, looks a lot like unlaid eggs that one would get from a chicken/duck, but less rounded and more white.

Unfertilized ovum for sure

I agree with the other commenters here. Looks like expelled unfertilized ovum through and through. I’ve never experienced it myself but I’ve seen it occur with a few breeders I know

Her last weigh in she was about 2.6 lbs (1170 grams). Is she okay, is there anything else I need to do for her or watch for? She seems to be acting okay but I know snakes can be good at hiding injury or illness