Strange behavior during pairing

So, this is my first breeding season, day 1 of introducing snakes to each other. I pair up a super lesser male to what i believe is a normal female. a few minutes after i introduce the male to the females tub, i hear a thump that sounded like a strike. quickly i check my tubs and find my super lesser acting strangely. i hesitate to call it aggressive because there were no strikes or attempts as strikes, but the super lesser was pushing against the normal very aggressively and his whole body was extremely tense. the normal seemed to lay there and take it and there didn’t appear to be any strikes that i saw but she and all the bedding in the tub were pushed to one end. the strange tense body and holding 2/3 of his body suspended and pushing quickly at the edges of the tub are what concerned me. i separated them and put him back in his own tub but the behavior has continued for a few minutes… wtf is going on? i want to let everybody calm down before i start doing checks, but does that sound like 2 males? or is that somewhat normal mating behavior? this is my first round of pairings after all and i could just be freaking out for nothing?


It could be completely normal if you have a male that is really determined… since the other one wasn’t pushing back or engaging it doesn’t sound like two males to me.


Some of mine does this and it sounds like their tearing the tub down but usually ends up in a lock later on. Idk if that’s their way of flirting or the male chasing down the female but I usually just let them do their thing even if it does sound rough lol


Im sorry to laugh, but the first time that happened to us, we were just like you. Angie and i kept looking at each other and asking if that is legal, should we not watch and actually got embarrassed at what was happening. We then decided we needed a cigarette. Lol. Ok, now to the topic, its actually pretty normal for the male to do that, we usually stick around for a while just to make sure no damage is being done and then he’ll usually settle down. We have one male who will actually push open an ARS tub during breeding, so i have to bunjee cord it shut.


wow… ok then thanks for the quick replies. he was pushing against me when i touched him afterwards which i thought was a sign of the male being ready to go. i’ll go put him back in and hope my 7030 holds together. lol