Substrate questions

Its sounds spiffy. ;)) heard good thing about the Boidudes products…althO never personally used.

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UVB too…always with lizards!! Even nocturnal. Actually resently desided to keep my garter snakes with it too. opinion.

You probably just didnt list it. But set up your describing sounds great…& honestly the sand looks like a glorified “mined” play sand. Should be just fine in my opinion…especially mixxed.

I’ll chime in on this just from my experience.

I lost a very special leopard gecko of mine due to loose substrate - I strongly encourage paper towel. I know it’s ugly, I know it doesn’t hold moisture very well. But heck man, it saves you from the risk of losing a gecko. She wasn’t just a gecko to me, she was like my baby. But you get what I’m saying.

At the end of the day, you’ll choose what you think is best for your enclosures. Just my personal opinion. :blush:


Sorry for your loss. What specifically was your leopard being kept on…just curious?

You definitely fall into the category of people that have had major problems with it…

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She was on coco fiber I believe. Not 100% sure, it’s been a long time.

I actually refuse to use coco fiber…refer to earlier post on this feed…but I lost a worm snake from it…