Well, this just happened and I am honestly beside myself. I had just checked on my rosy Andromeda a couple days ago and seen her moving around yesterday. Today I got home from work, and when I walked into my room I smelled death. Of course at that point I was hoping one of my snakes regurgitated, and not that one of them had passed. She was still limp so it hadn’t been too long. I fed her a bigger meal than normal a few days ago, and for some reason she was away from her hotspot in her enclosure when I found her. It looks as though she either couldn’t digest it, or something else went wrong from too large of a meal. I feel awful and I am struggling to not break down. Just wanted to vent to people that will understand. Even if it wasn’t something I did, I will still blame myself. My little Andromeda will be missed. Even if she did always try to eat me.
I am so sorry that she passed away . It does seem strange how quickly the smell was present as it usually starts after rigor mortis sets in. If you can I would definitely do a necropsy to see what caused it. Again I am so sorry this happened and please, please don’t beat yourself up about it.
My only guess is because she wasn’t on her hotspot the meal in her decayed. Her belly had some green to it under the lump, so it could be that. If I hadn’t given her a larger meal this probably wouldn’t have happened. She has had this size and been fine in the past though. Sadly I don’t have the money for a necropsy.
I don’t know much about digestion, but that can happen? Is that why heat sources are so important (among other reasons, I know) I’ve just never heard of that.
Ah man @ashleyraeanne Ashley. I am so sorry to hear about this! I can’t imagine how a bit of a larger meal could have caused this. There had to be something else going on, especially since there was already a smell of decay…….unless she defected something nasty before she passed?
As @logar mentioned, if you have the funds, a necropsy might be good. But no matter what Ashley, Andromeda’s death was out of your control. Allow yourself to grieve and just know that others here are grieving with you. A loss of any beloved animal is very painful and we all understand how hard it is to get past it. But that’s one good thing about time in that it heals broken hearts. In time.
Yes indeed a snake needs belly heat to digest its meal and that’s why under tank heating is necessary……
Yeah, the meal in her belly had to be less than good. Either from rotting before she died or after since it was only partially digested. She didn’t poop before or after passing either. She is a runt, so one could argue there may have been underlying health issues. I won’t know since a necropsy is expensive and something I can’t afford right now. I did a check on my other snakes as well, they are all fine.
I’m with @caron on this one. Especially since you stated that you fed this size before with no ill effects. I am wondering since it obviously didn’t digest right, maybe a substrate or other impaction not letting the prey move down past a certain point? Something like that? Also I had a older corn snake that seemed healthy still die right after eating a regular sized meal, and she did regurgitate it either before or after she passed, I wonder if there is a underlying issue and the energy/effort put forth in digestion put her over the limit? So sorry for you, but please don’t blame yourself-it can (and does) happen to anyone.
Well actually, Ashley , a necropsy is a moot point because even if you had the funds to have it done there is no guarantee that an exact cause of death would be found. You would still be in limbo. and out money that you can use for your other animals.
I could almost guarantee that there was an underlying issue that may have been going on unnoticed for awhile. Remember that animals can and do hide illnesses until they can’t hide them anymore. Sometimes nature just doesn’t want to cooperate with us.