Hi, I really want to use the breeding feature and have been trying to figure out a way to use them with offspring groups that makes sense to me as a gecko breeder, but have found several limitations and wanted to suggest some ideas.
Originally I had created lots of offspring groups for eggs that began arriving in December and are still being laid (by the same geckos), and that I have currently incubating before the breeding plan feature was released.
Once breeding plans was released, I created my pairs and then tried to add the offspring groups I had already created, but that was not an option, only the option to create a new offspring group. I was told this was because we’re only allowed to add new offspring groups and no, we cannot assign groups to pairs if they had already been created. So then I deleted all the pairs and offspring groups I had created for this season, and have tried starting over, creating the pairs first and then creating the offspring groups from the pairs
Unfortunately, we can only add one offspring group per pair. I feel like I am back to square one and unable to incorporate both features, so I have to use them separately. It seems redundant to have to enter the same information over and over when we could assign multiple offspring groups form breeding plans instead.
- can we please be allowed to determine the timeline for our own breeding seasons rather than having to follow the calendar year?
I.e. I pair geckos in the winter, as many, if not most(?) people do (November - February). The geckos start laying as soon as December but most start in January (some as late as March) the following calendar year, and then they lay continuously every month for upwards of 6 months, so I still have babies hatching into September and October. It would be helpful if we can manage our breeding seasons using our own definition of a season (mine being from pairing to all the eggs hatching from that pairing, or November - October).
- can we please be allowed to add more than one offspring group directly from breeding pairs?
I.e. All of my geckos lay multiple clutches over the course of months, and right now there is only one offspring group allowed to be created from breeding plans. There is no option to create more offspring groups, just view the only one that you are allowed to make.