Don’t you just love bringing your snakes out when it’s nice and warm!?
Totally wishing it was warm enough here!
Oh no! Hoping for warm days to come to you soon! Being hands on with them really is a joy!
I love that perspective! It’s like seeing him from another snakes eyes! beautiful little pied:)
Awww thank you!!! I was sitting on the grass with him and I loved how he just interacted with his surroundings, happened to catch him qt just the right moment. He is my favorite, he is such a sweet little dude with a chill disposition. His name is “Oro,” or “Goldy” in English
Raining here, but your bp looks great! Natural sunlight always looks so good in pics!
Oro is a fantastic name I like that one! Never heard it before!
Thank you! Natural sunlight truly is the best!
Kaluha definitely seems to be enjoying taking in those sun rays! Thats a beautiful boa their square shaped saddles are awesome!
Thank you! Even though she is not as big as a red tail she is too long and heavy for me to handle myself. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get her back in the house much less her enclosure. She is 5 years old and has the disposition of a puppy dog. I can rub hardtop and bottom. She is my baby.
Thats one big legless puppy! I think its great that you’ve now spent enough time with your snake that theyre so nice and calm! My big retic is the same way just not the little ones I havent been able to give the time to. Small interactions really do matter!
I had some of mine out to enjoy the yard not long ago. A couple wanted to do their exploring along more of a vertical plane.
That’s crazy! Great pictures and beautiful snakes!
Thanks. I love all the pics on this thread. Seeing the animals enjoying the outdoors is always a joy.
Seeing that snake use the brickwork looks so cool!!
Thats the perfect perspective to get when theyre slithering through the grass! I need to get some from that perspective! Beautiful snakes!