Super Mojave shed. Ghost or only het Ghost?

I have a juvenile Super Mojave that came from a Ghost Mojave x Pastave het Ghost. Because of the all white/no pattern nature of BEL’s I can’t visually see if it’s ghost or only het ghost.

I have read about clear sheds, and patterns sheds, but again, no patterns on BEL’s. Here’s some shots of his shed, the best I could take.

Any conclusive opinions?


Your best bet to know for certain if it is a het or visual ghost is to breed it in the future to a visual ghost female and if all the babies are ghost then he is indeed a visual ghost. Or in the meantime you could use a black light to try and see if there is any pattern on him or if he is a different color under the black light. A breeder on YouTube was able to prove out a super Mojave clown by using this method.


Yes, definitely proving him with my female ghost is the way to go. But, you know, we like to ask and seek along the way ; ).

I might have to get a black light just for kicks.


Best of luck! And if you notice anything strange with a black light be sure to share!


Definitely! This one could be a visual Ghost Super Mojave Pastel. Killer Pastave Ghost?? You get the idea. Whatever he proves he’s going to be a useful breeder in my future projects.


Shed looks clear. But that’s not fool proof. Hypo can be tricky to identify in non Lucy snakes! I have a super lesser male who is possible super cinnamon. Frustrating!!! I swear if I look at him at the right angle he’s for sure super cinny lol. Odds are in your favor that it is hypo from the visual to het pairing.


Would aSuper Mojave with no ghost be clear or have the gray coloration?

Pretty sure it is clear unless there is actually black on the animal. In my experience with sheds at least. If it is a light colored snake chances are it will have a clear shed.


I had a Hypo Lesser/Mojave and the only thing the black light did was make her already visible dorsal stripe more visible. Which is to say, it will help reveal pattering that it already there but since Hypo does not do anything to pattern it will not be particularly helpful

A clear shed is a given in a leucistic-type snake. The mechanism disrupted by mutations impacts pigment deposition.

Your best bet for would be comparing the head of the animal to that of a known non-Hypo SuperMojave. There might be a toned down look in the Hypo


@t_h_wyman Wouldn’t the head be a hard way to tell? Super mojave heads having varying degrees of color to begin with.


Hence my emphasis on the word “might” in my above comment LOL

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