Sweat Pea Update

Hey y’all! So it has been a hot minute since my last post a little while ago as a first timer about our Sweat Pea. She (still not sure) is doing fantastic. She has gained almost 250g since we got “her” end onf July and grown quite a few inches :slight_smile: while I am still curious as to her exact morphes, more imporatantly, I am writing now to ask if I have anyone who knows a local breeder in the Ottawa area to get frozen for her. We have been making due with what we can get at Pet Smart or Big Al’s so far, but I would like to find someone we can go to to get Exactly what she needs. At 560g we are lolking at AT least 56g per feeding, which we have been making due with as 2 large mice…but, she DEF prefers rats. I feel her circumfeence is still quite small despite her growth. So hoping to find someone local I can work with as a food source. (Pet smart, pet valu, big al’s can’t seem to give me the size I need in rats). Any direction is appreciated :heart:


Oh my goodness, she is a gorgeous snake!