This little guy is such a spoiled little ham! He wants out constantly always watching and waiting for me to open his door and rescue him! Today he would not eat his lunch in his enclosure so I had to put him and his bowl outside of it.
He’s so cute! He just needed to have an extra dollop of special attention, @caron. He’s a lucky little dude to have a human who notices such things and gives them happily.
Awwwwww. What kind of lizard is he?
Thanks Dean! Jubel is a False Chameleon. He is part of the anole family actually. These sweet little lizards are imho totally underrated. Jubel would cling to my shirt all day long and accompany me in doing whatever I would be doing if I let him. My other 4 geckos see me and run!
Thank you Caryl! Tbh he does have a ton of personality, or as much personality as a tiny little lizard can have. He’s like a little bitty human that is constantly demanding attention! He’s kinda hard to ignore! I mean could you ignore that little face?
He’s absolutely adorable! Look at his little face, he is spoiled and he knows it
Oh yes he is and yes he does! Thank you!
So freaking cute! The more I see of these guys, the more I want one. Hrmm. How big is his enclosure?
It’s not that large at all. I will measure it later. Stay [tuned!