Tank set-up using fake plants

We will be getting our first crested (first pet other than a dog actually) next week. I’m starting with a little tub and will work our way up, but I have a question regarding fake plants. Eventually, I’d like to have a vivarium. While looking at the different set-ups I’ve seen a lot of fake plants, too. How do you keep the fake plants clean? Do people take everything out of their tank and clean it all? I assume with all the moisture there’s going to mold on the fake stuff eventually?


Fake plants will require regular cleaning, most fake plants from a Reptile shop are easy enough to clean. They shouldn’t get mold on them as they are built to withstand high humidity. Not sure about fake plants bought elsewhere

I don’t clean mine often as I have bioactive enclosures, this is where the insects clean them for me (I also use live plants).

When cleaning my enclosures, I moved my Cresties to a reptile safe plant (supervised at all times) or a tub while I remove/clean anything.

If cleaned regularly you won’t have to take out everything all the time, just spot clean often


I’m going to go ahead and say, why don’t you do Bioactive?
Little to no cleaning, all you have to clean is the glass itself.
It’s a lot better for you Crestie being in a natural environment, the isopods and springtails will clean up any poop.

Fake plants will need to be cleaned, I don’t use them as don’t like them myself, I have all live in with the adults.
When cleaning the glass I usually leave the Crestie in the viv, most of mine are so chill they don’t come out. Other option as said is putting them in a tub until you’re done. :blush:


I like this idea :bulb:


I second the bioactive idea :bulb: it can take a little longer to set up but I have found its much better for the Crestie :lizard:


Huh…I wonder where you got that idea

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You take them out and scrub them welcome to the community

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Ditto on that!


Gotta love an emoji :pinching_hand:


My gargoyle gecko tank has a spray foam background and most of my fake plants are stuck in pre drilled holes. So once a week I pull em all out wash em and spray em w a reptile safe disinfectant and they’re good to go. Super easy super effective

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Try a bioactive terrarium. I’m surprised nobody suggested that yet, I’m a genius :bulb: :rofl:
Just kidding, but a bioactive would be a good idea. I have mine in bioactive tanks and it makes it easier to clean (I only need to clean some plants, decorations, and glass) and the cresties seem to do better from the enrichment (from the changing plant growth, I use pothos plants, so a new leaf can grow in a matter of days). The only critique about them is that it’s easy to get gnats or flies, but those seem to get knocked out quickly from the springtails and isopods.
And also: welcome to the community! We’re glad you decided to join.


Bioactive is the plan, but it’s going to be a bit. Just want to do the right thing in the meantime. I got the zoomed wipeout assuming it was for the tank glass, but now I’m guessing it’s for the plants, too?

I use exo Terra glass cleaner for the glad and F10 for plants etc

I’ve not used zoomed wipeout so not sure if it’s any good for cleaning, might leave the glass a little smudged though

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I’ve never used WipeOut with anything living still in an enclosure. According to the label, it asks that you remove any animals from the enclosure and don’t return them until it is dry and ventilated, and you’ll understand why if you use it. I’ve used it for a long time for keeping decor and water/feeding dishes clean, cleaning up empty used enclosures, and spot cleaning when it becomes necessary, in my experience, it works great.

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What about vinegar water?