My adult female Chiliean Rose, Philly.
I think she is adorable, even when she was upside down to molt; look at those fangs!
Beautiful spider. I love tarantulas! Those fangs are great!
Great pic of the foot. I have a super little sling rose and I can’t wait for it to get some size to it
Thank you! Luckily she is very sweet so those fangs are for poor crickets only!
Their little cat paws are so cute!
I had a male many years ago that was very very tame. He’s climb out of his enclosure and hang out with me.
That’s so sweet!
I love the rose color she has!
She actually just molted and is even more colorful! She even has dark black fuzz on her toes that looks like boots!
Very beautiful! My sister is deathly afraid of spiders so no Ts for me sadly.
Sorry to hear that Lumpy.
I feel that, my little brother is VERY wary when he gives her water on occasion.
I had no idea tarantulas had hooks on the ends of thier legs.
Not even jumping spiders? They are seriously the cutest spiders in existence.
Not even Lucas the spider?
Yeah, they will still freak her out. Actually, she just said it was mildly cute lol.
So you can get a jumping spider.
Ill take that
it’s hard to say no to cute faces.
I probably will lol . I am trying to hint that I am going to get a deathstalker and that is getting some traction. I am probably going to build a rimless glass desert themed enclosure with blackout tint on the back and 35% tint on the sides.
That would be awesome! Also, if you’re trying to convince someone to let you get a deathstalker use a different name like the scientific name or its other names (like palestine yellow scorpion or omdurman scorpion). If someone’s hesitant about scorpions, deathstalker isn’t what they want to hear.