So my fiancé nearly had a heart attack when he went to check on his curly hair tarantula this morning, Tiffany, and found her hanging from the mesh lid!
He helped her down and she seems fine. It’s a low 15 gallon.
Is there a way to prevent this or a different lid we could get to prevent this?
Check all over the internet. One of the great things about being a tarantula keeper is that you can use almost anything to keep them in. I actually have 6 in acrylic shoe boxes I got from Walmart and used acrylic hinges and clasps to keep them secure. Used a Dremel tool to put lots of air holes in them.
@spottedbull reminded me of the acrylic shoeboxes from Walmart! Thank you David! Yes those shoeboxes are great because they’re inexpensive and you can see through them too!
You can find locking clips made specifically for these shoeboxes on Etsy……