Thank you to those that keep things running!

Just a thank you to all the builders and mods of MM!

Sometimes such hard work is a thankless job and you aren’t recognized unless something glitches.

Your persistence and tenacity to keep peace and everything running smoothly is greatly appreciated.

So, from a newbie like myself, I just wanted to say you folks are incredible. Thank you so much! :heart:


Thank you so much! We appreciate this massively :face_holding_back_tears:

We are here to serve you guys the best we can :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
A lot of the Devs that actually do the gritty work are not on here frequently but I will share this with them all!!!

Thank you to everyone here that makes our lives much easier every single day!


A great big AMEN to what @guppyguy posted! This is a wonderful place to commune with other reptile enthusiasts and all the “behind the scenes diligence” really makes this community forum A #1 Top Notch!

Thank you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! :heart:


While we are here sharing our thanks, I need to give a huge personal shout out to both @lumpy and @brittni-admin.

@lumpy is always on the ball. Contests, moderating, bug reporting, feature testing, keeping the place tidy… The list goes on. Every single day! Even when real life ties our Riley up, he always finds time to help, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Brittni… Where do we even start with Brittni? she has absolutely cemented her place as extremely vital to the MM team. She’s the veins, moving info from everywhere and everyone, and gets it exactly where it’s needed, and is literally the opposite of ‘you never know what you had until it’s gone.’ But, you never knew what you needed until she came along.


Thomas, thank you. You really have no idea how much I needed some encouragement today. Yeah, I think I’m on like 2 1/2 years about missing a single day on here :joy:. As you know, I’m happy to be here and thankful for every opportunity that I have to make this place better and get to experience it with our wonderful community. Love you sir :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


Guys, this is the BEST forum and most welcoming community I’ve ever seen. To all the staff, both visible and those behind the scenes, THANK YOU for all you do for us. You guys have life (family, jobs, school, family, etc.) going on as well, yet you take the time out of your day, every day, to keep this forum top-notch and running smoothly for all of us. We are so grateful for you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!


Hooray for the MorphMarket Team who keep things running! I swear, I don’t want to know what things would be like without this community. It’s sane space in an often crazy world. Three cheers (or hisses or flicks of a caudal fin) for those great, talented, hardworking MorphMarket folks who make it all work and do so with such good grace. We appreciate you!


This is beyond true and goes unnoticed!


Thank you! I am sorry for not being more active on here, it is part of my 2024 resolutions!


We get it life happens sometimes.