The Adder Project

Hi guys,

The Adder gene. Not a commonly kept morph and not much done with it so far. Some of you may have seen the “Black adder” which was originally thought so be one gene but it has since been discovered to be a 2 gene combo, the Black gene, and the Adder gene.
We bought into this project while it was still in its infancy and bought a female banana that was a sibling to the Blackadder, it showed some characteristics, but was different. As it turned out, she was a Banana Adder!
We bred her for the first time last season to a pastel clown and hatched some amazing babies (pictures below)

This season we bred her to a Tri stripe, her clutch is due on May 18th :grin::crossed_fingers:t2:

What do you guys think of the project and what direction would you take it? :blush:


I don‘t see any pictures! Or is it just me?

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Haha having problems uploading Ute :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

They’ll be there soon, thanks for the heads up :blush::blush::+1:t2::+1:t2:






Adder Marvel I recently picked up.


Wow that is stunning mate :open_mouth::open_mouth:

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Hi, we’ve just bought a pastel adder clown female. Excited for her future with us.

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I adore adder. It’s not a gene I’ve been able to get in my collection yet but I think it’s criminally underrated.

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Absolutely!!! It most definitely is!

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So im new to the ‘‘adder’’ gene and im struggling to find out much info on it. Is the adder gene related to clown at all? Can someone talk me through the whole thing?