The army is beginning to grow

Last week there was one, this week there are now two!
The army begins to grow lol, anyone have a general idea of how long these little ones take to incubate? Temps are currently reading 71°F with a humidity of 83%. I have a general idea of around 60 days, lmk if this is incorrect!

I know I shouldn’t “count my chickens before they hatch” so to speak but does anyone have name ideas for these little babies once they hatch out?
Mother’s names are Pip & Squeak for reference.

(Please excuse my ugly fingernails :nauseated_face: I have a bad nailbiting habit.)

(Edit): Ok wow I can’t believe I didn’t even put what species these were :woman_facepalming: these are Mourning Gecko eggs! Sorry!


Cool! Roly and Poly? Slim and Jim? Mike and Ike? (Ha, maybe not since the babies will be female.)


The eggs are so cute and then you see something crawl out of it that shouldn’t fit :joy: :see_no_evil:


Huh thats interesting

I was worried with how small the eggs are that the babies will be so tiny I won’t be able to find them with all the little crevices provided in their nursery lol.


Seems like a fair thing to worry about lol. As far as names for Pip and Squeak’s babies, since those combine to mean small, how about keeping with that theme? I’m thinking Itsy and Bitsy, Teesny and Weensy, Winky and Dinky, Micro and Mini, etc.