i breed super worms and came across a worm that never turned into a pupa. I put this worm in isolation on may 27 2020.
here are some pupas these are some beetlesIf he never turns into an adult he can’t grow old and die. He is Peter Pan. He is immortal.
I’d love to know if it ever happens then
Maybe it’s the methuselah of super worms.
Maybe some dude was given a magic wish! Thinking he’d become a sexy vampire, he wished for immortality…
Maybe he has some airpods in, and cant hear you telling him its time to grow into a pupa. :v
Fr this memes
Did he end up becoming a pupa?
yeah I like a lot of people are exited if u have an infinite super worm
Did he get the covid vaccine lol?
Was probably exposed to a droplet of S-Methoprene, a hormone used to make mealworms grow larger, though it eradicates their ability to mature and they stay a larva forever. the original farm probably had the mealworm and superworm bins side-by-side for this to have occurred or they were deliberately treating superworms and one of them fell into an untreated bin.