The weird wonders of nature

I thought rather than creating separate posts I’d just start a single one showing off some of the weird and wonderful guys that we share this planet with.

I’ll update this as often as I find interesting animals to discuss.

If you know of any, get sharing.

I’ll start with snakes.

Get comfy and enjoy… FlakySophisticatedEidolonhelvum-size_restricted

Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix)

The Waldo/Wally of the snake world
Yes there is a snake in that picture… Can you find it?

Copperheads are a species of venomous snake, a pit viper. Like all pit vipers, the Copperhead is generally an ambush predator; it takes up a promising position and waits for suitable prey to arrive.

To read more click here.

When hunting insects, copperheads actively pursue their prey.
Juveniles use a brightly colored tail to attract frogs and perhaps lizards, a behavior termed caudal luring.

Like most viperids, these snakes prefer to avoid humans and, given the opportunity, will leave the area without biting. However, unlike other viperids, they often “freeze” instead of slithering away, and as a result, many bites occur due to people unknowingly stepping on or near them.

Copperhead venom has an estimated lethal dose around 100 mg, and tests on mice show its potency is among the lowest of all pit vipers, and slightly weaker than that of its close relative, the cottonmouth.


Spider-tailed Viper ( Pseudocerastes urarachnoides )

the spider-tailed horned viper has a unique tail that has a bulb-like end that is bordered by long drooping scales that give it the appearance of a spider. The tail tip is waved around and used to lure insectivorous birds to within striking range.

To read more click here

Like other vipers in the genus Pseudocerastes , the scales above the eyes rise up to give P. urarachnoides a horned appearance

The scales on the sides of the tail are elongated and appear like appendages of an arthropod. The tip of the tail is inflated into a bulb-like shape.


Blunt-head tree snake ( Imantodes cenchoa)

The Blunt-head tree snake is a species of rear-fanged colubrid snake distributed in Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Click here to read more

Blunthead tree snakes average about 800 mm (31 in). Maximum length is about 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in).

Most snakes found around the world are known to have very poor vision and rely mostly on their smell and vibrations to detect signs of prey and predators. Arboreal snakes have much better vision among other classes of snakes. Blunthead tree snakes on the other hand, have vertical slits for pupils which allow for the snake to look down. This trait is what give the blunthead tree snake such an advantage over other snakes. Their eyes make up approximately 26% of its head.

These snakes are oviparous or egg-laying animals that have little or no embryonic development within the mother.


Interesting pictures:

Snake Embryo (I’m unsure of the species, if anyone has any idea it would be nice to know.)

Rattlesnakes rattle

3-eyed snake

Not all snakes just eat rodents


Some awesome photos in this. Love the snake embryo pic so amazing to see. I had no idea how complex a rattlesnakes rattle really was on the inside. the 3 eyed snake is just a wonder to behold. And i think the little guy on the bottom my have bitten off more than he can fit in his mouth. but it would fun to watch him try to swallow it.

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The copper head is in the middle of the photo

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This seems really daft, but I always pictured the tails to be like a cabasa but with bones.

:joy: that is something pretty close to what i had pictured as well, so don’t feel bad. That or basically something like a babies rattle. :woman_shrugging: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: nature is truly amazing

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Armadillo Girdled Lizard ( Ouroborus cataphractus )

The armadillo girdled lizard is diurnal. It hides in rock cracks and crevices. It lives in social groups of up to 30 to 60 individuals of all ages, but usually fewer. Males are territorial, protecting a territory and mating with the females living there.

Click here to read more

The armadillo girdled lizard possesses an uncommon antipredator adaptation, in which it takes its tail in its mouth and rolls into a ball when frightened. In this shape, it is protected from predators by the thick, squarish scales along its back and the spines on its tail. This behavior, which resembles that of the mammalian armadillo, gives it its English common names.


Plumed Basilisk ( Basiliscus plumifrons )

The plumed basilisk is the largest basilisk species, with an average snout-to-vent length (SVL) of approximately 10 inches (25 cm). Including the tail, it can reach 3 feet (91 cm) in total length. Adults are brilliant green, with bright yellow eyes, and small bluish spots along the dorsal ridge.

Click here to read more

Males have three crests: one on the head, one on the back, and one on the tail, while females only have the head crest. Juveniles are less conspicuously colored, and lack the characteristic crests.

The plumed basilisk is omnivorous and eats insects, small mammals (such as rodents), smaller species of lizards, fruits and flowers.


Mexican Alligator Lizard ( Abronia graminea )

The Mexican Alligator Lizard is an endangered species of lizard endemic to the Sierra Madre Oriental highlands of Mexico.

Click here to read more

The Mexican Alligator Lizard adopts an arboreal lifestyle and is commonly found inhabiting the bromeliads among mesic cloud or pine-oak forest canopies. This habitat offers a humid temperate climate with summer rains. The preferred diet of this species is a variety of insects. Colour patterns of the Mexican alligator lizard can range from bright emerald green to dark teal blue; juvenile colouration is a tan ground colour with dark crossbands.

This species is currently endangered. Decline of the species is mainly the result of habitat fragmentation due to fire, deforestation, and land use change for agriculture. Illegal trafficking for the pet trade has also contributed to the status of this species.


Interesting Pictures/Gifs:

Water Anole Lizard


“Diving under water and remaining there for a long time is an anti-predator strategy for water anoles,” said Swierk. "These lizards aren’t particularly speedy, and taking to the water is a very effective option. (Take it from a biologist who sometimes struggles to capture her study organism because they’re so good at diving.) It’s easy to ‘disappear’ to a predator’s eye once you hide under water for a few minutes. I think that any underwater breathing adaptations in water anoles would have arisen to extend the amount of time they can stay in their underwater refuge.

full article here:

The Mwanza flat-headed rock agama ( Agama mwanzae ) or the Spider-Man agama

Interesting videos:


Armadillo girdled lizard are so neat looking. Miniature dragon.
Is it just me or does the water anole lizard look like it is doing the “duck lip” pose…


:joy::joy: i think I have a new nickname for my daughter :joy:.

It was meant to be a gif :man_shrugging:t2: , showing how they use bubbles to help breath under water.


I figured I would post this here since it is one of the most fascinating animals I have learned about recently.


That is a really interesting video :blush: thank you for sharing.

I know (at least some species of) bees and wasp also have a “third eye” or Ocelli on the back of their head. It is believed that they can’t “see” through it, but can use it to sense the location of the sun in the sky and shadows of predators behind them. Some can even tell the time of day/position of the sun down to the minute by reading the data processed through these “eyes”

This is the back of a female red-tipped cuckoo leaf-cutter bees head.

Tuataras are so cool! I also like the pic of the copperhead, I had a blown up version years ago when I taught a class about identifying snakes for the military in Charleston , SC. Most of the snake bites on the Naval Station and Naval Base were caused by copperheads and usually because someone stepped on them as they never even saw them. A lot of people also killed oketee corn snakes that were everywhere on the base because they thought they were copperheads. Class was designed to keep people and snakes safe.

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