Another new guy here “Leviathan”
Mack snow Diablo Blanco
Beautiful, every animal you have it seems like you can capture its unique beauty in anew way every time!
I’m curious, how can a Mack Snow Diablo Blanco be differentiated from a regular Diablo Blanco. Is it just a matter of having a Super Snow parent, or is there a visual difference?
No just the one mack parent. When they hatch DB’s are pink, mack DB’s are more white basically
I see. Thanks for the info.
white leos can be a night mare unless you hatch them or have a trusted source
In what way do you mean nightmare? I have a white Leo and she is an absolute terror. We have had her for almost a year and she still thrashes when I try to get her out, she tries to bite me every chance she gets, she screams at me when I walk by and she’s out. Little girl is nuts. Once I get her out she calms right down. She’s just super defensive about her space.
Genetically trying to ID the genes behind them
Got it lol. Thanks!
sorry, I should of explained what I meant
It’s not a problem lol thank you for clearing it up for me.