Ha, I know what you mean! If a name has already been used on something, I can’t reuse it.
Oh wow, he is absolutely gorgeous! I love the name Aurelius for him. My childhood horse trainer, who taught me everything I know about horses (I made my living as a trainer/instructor for several years) was named Aurelia, the feminine form of Aurelius, so that name has a very positive association for me. Plus it suits your boy’s gorgeous colour well.
Oh, nice! I’m a horse person too. What breeds/ events/skills do you work with?
What about Aurelian? Similar but not quite the same.
That’s a thought.
I always enjoy watching babies grow and change. This boy is always going to be extra special in my eyes. That would’ve been true even if he had been noticeably different (to anyone else) from a number of my others. But he really is. Baby butter morphs can be very light and creamy. This guy is noticeably golden already. I’m so thrilled that he’s what he is!
I truly can’t wait to see you post pics after future sheds as his colours develop, he’s already on track to be such a beautiful adult specimen!
I’ve been watching this thread and I’m so happy for you! A keeper I assume
I never specialized in any specific breed, but I’ve worked mainly with thoroughbreds, Arabians, Morgans, various warmbloods, and light drought breeds, and a few assorted others over the years (quarter horses, paints, appies, etc.). Arabians and light droughts are probably my favourites. I did primarily hunter/jumper, but also some dressage. I did a little vaulting for a while too, which was fun.
Am i the only one thinking “professor chaos” butters alter ego in southpark? Yes? Ok. Carry on lol
Thanks, I think he’s going to gorgeous. Okay, I’m a proud pseudo-parent, so it’s good to know it’s not just me.
Oh, yes! Most assuredly!
That’s very, very cool indeed!
Yep. Just you. Or it was. Lol
We’re going to go with Aurelius after all. It does seem to fit him, he simply glows. It fits the other parameters like Augustus. Aurelius the cat is only an acquaintance, not a family feline. I managed to think of a individuals many students who shared a name (including one memorable class with three of one name and two of another).
And yesterday, Aurelius ate his first meal! He wasn’t interested the first time I offered so I waited a few days and tried again. He nosed it around long enough that I was beginning to wonder. I went about feeding everybody else who was due and tried not to look his way. When I checked again, voilà!
Yay! Glad he figured it out! He’s a really unique looking butter stripe too.
Me too!! I have held my breath so many times through this whole saga that I’m surprised I’m not permanently cyanotic! Lol
He is a beautiful boy to me, that’s for sure. Lots of gold already. His pattern makes me think that he’s got some cubey coding in his DNA. Sceptre’s lines have produced pretty cubes, and the long-ago Artephius x Tulip baby was cubed. Time will tell, hopefully. And then there is that crazy head stamp!
Aurelius is such a beautiful boy, so glad to hear he’s taken to food! I just love his overall colouration and pattern, such a one-of-a-kind little one in many ways.
@caryl he is so beautiful! He is a very lucky boy!
Thanks, Jess and Riley! I’m so thrilled that he ate like a good boy. I always feel blessed to have healthy hatchlings but Aurelius is a very, very special blessing indeed. It will be a real privilege to watch him grow.
I know this is unrelated, but I think I found your store page, and why is this little guy cheaper than the others?
From what it says he seems perfectly healthy and has the same genes as the others? I’m sorry if you didn’t want someone asking.
I’m not @caryl, obviously, but the answer is it actually doesn’t have the same genes as the others, exactly. That animal is a “classic” or wild-type, one that isn’t showing any visual genes, and is only heterozygous for those listed. All of the rest of the clutch mates that are more expensive have one or more visually expressed (homozygous) genes. The more visual genes, the more the colour and/or patters change, the more desirable the animal. On top of that, if they were to be bred when they reach adulthood, they are guaranteed to pass down a copy of those specific genes to every offspring they produce.
And this kids is why you double check things BEFORE you ask questions. You end up asking a pretty dumb question. But thank you for answering!
Nah, @bluethesnake, no such thing as a dumb question!