They're so cute when they're little

That is so cool! Reminds me of back in the day, I used to work in research with Bombina orientalis (Fire-Bellied Toads), and I kept some as pets as well. It is so satisfying when the little ones start to go on land!! :blush:

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They’re adorable small!
One of the colon babies appearing out now!
We have bred and raised up golden terribilis too which I really enjoyed doing myself! :blush:


Froglets incoming!


Sorry for all the questions but I’m working on setting up a dart frog terrarium and I’ll likely try to breed them. Did you filter the water in the deli cup they’re growing in or did you just keep the moss in it and change out some of the water?

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In order to make tadpole tea (the water they’re in) you can either 1.) Boil an Indian almond leaf in dechlorinated water or 2.) Let the leaf soak in the dechlorinated water for about a week or so.
Generally you change the water once it starts to smell bad, you remove about half (and suck up as much waste as possible) and then add more tadpole tea as a 50% water change.
You should include live Java moss, it shouldn’t have to be removed unless it dies.
There’s also a ~1in×1in piece of Indian almond in with the tads, they’ll eat it plus it will add tannins to the water. This will have to be replaced as it breaks down over time.

Edit: There’s no aquarium filter on the deli cups, they shouldn’t require one as in the wild they’d be left in a bromeliad or some sort of nut pod like a brazil nut.
Also don’t keep more than one dart frog tadpole in a container, they’ll kill and cannibalize each other