I asked if there was a factual reason why I couldn’t have these animals or if it was just fueled by fear and ignorance and they ignored my question several times already
It’s a retic permit like yours I think
The sad truth is when you rent you are at the mercy of there rules. No matter how ignorant and lacking of factual reason they are, they get to make them. I’m truly sorry you have to go through this. I hope it doesn’t take away from your passion for the reptile hobby in general! I’m realistic when it comes to life, I know it may not be viable to just up and buy your own house. But that will probably be the only way you can avoid problems like these. Even then it’s no guarantee if you have neighbors and they see you bring a animal like a retic outside for some natural enrichment, I guarantee you animal control will be at your house. Reptiles and large snakes in general have a bad reputation. Bad keepers are the ones who end up on the news when something goes bad. But all keepers suffer the consequences. My advice is don’t use up a bunch of time and resources on a fight your not going to win. Look for a better arrangement for your animals whatever that may be. I wish you the best of luck!! I truly hope you figure out a way to keep your animals!
Find an apartment that accepts dogs and cats. Then try to work on the landlord from there
And owning most of the time isn’t any better unless you are in unincorporated land (outside city limits) if not you’ve only fooled yourself into believing you own your home and if you “own” in a subdivision/HOA lol your just a renter with a title to a home that you can use as toilet paper if push comes to shove
@lucky1 This is why I’m glad my house is in lovely unincorporated st Charles Missouri. And built 60 years ago lol.
Life Goals!..Ill get there someday
Thank you so much! I think we might be getting a new house soon
I think it’s the snakes you’re going to have trouble with. Tons of people have pets like bearded dragons, turtles, and leopard geckos, you can buy those at nearly any pet store. However hognose being venomous gives them a bad rep even if their venom is comparable to that of a bee sting. The retics and kingsnakes might be tricky because of their size, food, and reputation. If you have lockable enclosures you could try to compromise by saying that they can’t escape and only you can access the enclosures and if you could prove that you’re a responsible keeper and that they don’t pose a threat you might be able to keep your apartment and your animals. If you do that you should pretty much just write an essay about all of that and send it to your landlord and hope they read it with an open mind.
That’s honestly your best bet. I’ve lived in apartments where I had to hide animals and when we moved to corpus area we made sure we found a house with a landlord who was super understanding long as we paid the deposit. Down here Retics just get such a bad rap. People do one generic google search and see their size and that’s the end. That’s all they see.
i tried to explain to them how they’re in secure enclosures but to no avail… stubbornness and stupidity
good new everyone! we are turning in our applications to a new (reptile friendly) rental house today and are hoping to get approved and moved by the end of the month!
reptiles in general get such a bad rap down here, i have family who refuses to go into my house because of my collection, which is the the backmost room. its just part of the culture down here i guess. are you still in the corpus area?
That’s awesome man hope it works out for you!!!
thanks so much! its a better space for our daughter as well and I’m excited for a backyard and BBQ pit as i love to cook.
It’s part of the culture everywhere unfortunately. I had animal control called on me for having my retics in my backyard for some time out of the cage in the sun. And I own my own house totally free and clear.
its all due to misinformation/misunderstanding/fear. if people would take the time to learn and listen and appreciate we wouldn’t have this problem.
Surprisingly I’ve never had any problems down here finding a place to rent with reptiles. My first apartment said that anything in a cage or tank didn’t count as a pet and therefore I could have as many as I wanted, and the last two places my landlord straight up didn’t care. I’ve found it significantly harder to rent with an 165lb dog than with snakes
I actually kinda like that aspect of them. Keeps people out my house. If that doesn’t get em the Tarantulas usually get it done. But yeah we’re still in the area
dang so were pretty close, were located in Kingsville!