Hey all! So I made a post a couple weeks ago asking about my nuggets morph…well I got to checking him out last night and he’s starting to look identical to a bell albino I’ll have ti get some better pictures of him tonight when he’s out and with a decent light but it’s the same exact pattern in the same places as this bell ……later when I post his picture of how his colors have come in after his shed ….i just wanna make sure It’s not just me and others notice it too lol these pics of nugget on my hand and in his tank are like ….3 weeks ago now his colors and markings are BAM! I mean it’s basically identical now to the bells photo more so than these pics from 3 weeks ago but still wanted to drop some reference pics
Yup! Nugget’s a handsome boy!
Awww. Good looking Leo!
Nugget is looking so much happier and brighter than before.
I don’t see the resemblance personally. The banding isn’t as dark and all that. And it’s not possible to visually distinguish which albino strain Nugget has.
A lot of what you see in the color on those Bell photos are polygenic traits. Those traits get diluted out over time as the mutation is cross bred out into other geckos not related to the founding line.
There’s a 33% chance that Nugget is a Bell Albino. But it is frowned upon to breed unknown albinos to attempt proving the gene because of the potential to create double hets of 2 albino strains.
What a little nugget of cuteness Nugget is! Maybe I’m seeing something that isn’t there, but his pics look like he feels good about life and in charge of his world.
As far as morph, you’re hearing from experienced and knowledgeable voices. Some things can’t be known by looking, no matter how much we wish otherwise.
I was with ya until the double het
Albino strain (what does
Double het mean? ) it’s just the coloration and I found
A better picture that’s actually closer to nugget and it’s also a bell
That’s a lot closer to nugget right now and thank you !!! That really does mean so so much!

Hers small,but mighty! - Sunny realized she was really here he had to of smelled her Casue he couldn’t see her not from where his tank is…. Well I had him out he was chilling halfway on my shoulder lower half on my chest then all of a sudden this MF bat dives off my shoulder to bed (which we were sitting on the bed facing the tv watching bobs burgers) then he bag dives to the floor jumps on my husband pillow and jumps from the handle on the night stand to the top of her tank …but he fell back onto the husband pillow …YALL:eyes:

Third eye ,needs front opening …we’re working on it …we had her a 40 gallon all set up we went to move it and my hand slipped I still had
My retinol face syrum on my hand that I hadn’t gotten off all the way o guess? Anyway it slipped and it busted like the whole bottom just gone ….she is in a 10 long no this is not
For long please god don’t come at me I know
The tank is so so wrong but she does have a 60 watt heat emitter and her Arcadia desert 12% uvb wasn’t about to use a basking with her in that
Tiny tank …I’m not a loon. We WERE prepared but we weren’t prepared for me to be dumb and drop it …but hey…ish happens) anyway yall my boy was going to EAT her …. I’ve never had more than one dragon in the house so idk what to expect with this and I’m terrified to go on the dragon pages their so dang mean even to people that know what their doing … we have her 120 already set up lmao but we don’t know how to divide it and use it as a huge
40 gallon tank for her for now
Until she’s big
Enough to use the full exclosure cause she’s tiny… I guess I had more than one question lmao I have been on market place but we’ve gotta
Go get our cresties their arboreal shade dweller kits from Columbia sc they sent us the regular shade dweller kit not the arboreal

Been waiting and we have just enough money to get little derp his get dart hers out gas in to make it back home and make it there to Columbia so we gotta find a way to use the spare 120 for her tank …… anybody got any suggestions that isn’t going to the dragon group lol because their not gonna understand their gonna grab the torch and pitch forks
I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t like going crazy lol I’m trying to make sure he’s getting everything he needs mainly trying to plump that tail up to where it needs to be but because of how his size I don’t know the exact size his tail needs to be but I don’t want it to be so big that he bulks up way to soon - no no, I wanna learn from yall this is what I wanna do as a career I wanna work with reptiles I want and need to know everything I should and need to know and know I just don’t know where to look all the time but this community has been the NICEST community
not one person has been rude to me not one person has bashed me or come at me for anything and idk if that cause yall can tell I love these babies and their setups show that or if yall are all just nice and caring people or both …either way it means a lot to me ! I would Rather learn from individuals that also actually really love these guys ….i don’t feel ok unless im with all 7 of my babies (I’m always ok with my sunny tho) but as a unit …their my kids (yes iam one of those lol) I want to learn I don’t mind being wrong,can’t ever learn if you’re not ever wrong anyway
Het= heterozygous or carrying a copy of the albino gene. Looks like a normal
Hom= homozygous or carrying 2 copies of the albino gene. Visually an albino.
There are 3 strains of albino in leopard geckos. Bell, rainwater/Las Vegas and Tremper. None of these are compatible with each other. If you bred them together you wouldn’t get an albino. Let’s say Bell and Tremper. You would get a normal het Tremper and het Bell.
For the 120… How big is Taryn? If they’re already a juvvie or adult size you can probably move them into the 120. Then bleach down that tank to sterilize it before moving Sunny in.
Regarding the ADV concerns… This is why a good quarantine procedure should be used with any new animals. You can have them tested before intros, make sure the poops look okay, there’s no funny quirks and they’re eating okay.
For reptiles, I keep them in a separate area of the house from my others and they have their own tongs and bowls and such that never move to the other room and vice versa. They are taken care of last so I don’t bring potential parasite or disease to the other room. I personally use a 90 day qt to avoid anything getting to my breeding group of snakes.
I’m not totally sure he’s a boy it’s just a feeling I get it’s the same feeling I had with my sunbun and I had a weird feeling dart was a girl lol I could be wrong tho nugget could be a girl but it doesn’t matter cause nugget works for either sex mwahahahaha -sorry had a moment- very handsome indeed always looks like their smiling I love it lol
Taryn is 4 months but she’s small trying not to over feed her cssuenicne she hits
6 months it’s like BAM their almost fully grown )not really but it’s crazy the growth spirt) we’re doing the same exact
Thing we did with sunny except she’s in a separate room she’s not acting goofy her poops aren’t runny she’s not star gazing I’m just worried because after all the research I did the last 3 years ADV never showed up until I typed it in so now I’m like ■■■■ did I miss something ? Idk where the person I got her from got her I went back
Through the messages and they never answered when I asked them but her first appt is 2
Weeks from now it’s the
Soonest I could get and we’re also on cancelation list so we can get her tested cause she’s a new dragon …when o found out adv is a thing I FREAKED OUT ,but as of right now she’s normal she just seems a little dehydrated actually so we’ve trying small small horn worms and some water