All of the babies have had good sheds and are ready for morph IDing
Pairing was a 0.1 Banana Cinnamon Lesser x 1.0 Banana Mystic Pastel
I am pretty confident in my ID skills for this clutch as I’m pretty familiar with all involved morphs, but it never hurts to get some insight from others so lmk if any of y’all notice something I dont!
I did flashlight testing on all of them and I know for a fact that #2 and #5 are Bananas from that.
Adorable little clutch!
I think 3 is a lesser pastel from all that blushing on the sides and head. #2 is neat, they almost look too dark to be banana to me … But then again you have some really neat blushing and dark all through this clutch.
They’re just both dark and neat bananas at such a young age. Mine are just bright weirdos.
I missed the flashlight part on my first check/post. Then edited it because again. I need to read better. Lol. It’s obviously banana when you look at #3 it’s the same blushing and markings just faded because of banana.
It’s wild to me that that one has almost the same colors as my sterling lesser baby. Lol
Ok so I just wanted to point out some things I’ve noticed and have already been aware of since I made this post.
•I suspect that the Mystic Pastel might be a Mystic Pewter… I just look at how dark the head is and its very reminiscent of the dark heads Cinnamons have… lmk y’alls opinions.
•3 out of the 5 babies (babies #2, #4 & #5) have their eye stripes connected to the neck stripe… does this mean anything? I’ve seen this before in other BPs that are not mine. Niether of the parents have this unique marking.
•I still feel there is more going on with baby #2… idk I’ve looked it over so much and compared it to other Banana Lesser Pastels and they just don’t look comparable. I keep thinking Super Banana in the back of my head but that doesn’t seem right either, however there isn’t much to compare to on that aspect. This baby also has a really cute little orange spot in the middle of its head stamp that is barely visible.
So … Looking at the pairing and the babies again with these follow up notes…
The cinnamon looks to be pretty low expression as far as pattern disruptions go if it is there in these babies. The chaining of the BEL gene pattern isn’t in your hatchlings so it’s a bit more difficult to say. Especially since it’s usually a giveaway at the tail, but you look to have a pretty clean pattern all the way down.
The reason #2 wasn’t giving me banana vibes was because they looked very similar color wise to my sterling lesser hatchlings. Technically, super banana would be in the odds here … But lesser cinny would invalidate the usual IDing of pale with no freckles. If you’re planning on holding this baby back I would maybe consider shed testing for cinny and super banana.
Here’s my baby’s photo as comparison
The connection in eye stripes and dorsal stripe can be a trait in some combos. But I feel in this case it’s more of a polygenic trait. It’s still neat though!
I’m definitely considering just doing the shed testing on their next shed for baby #2 since it is throwing me off a little bit.
One more note is that I sexed them all. Both Bananas are males which isn’t a huge surprise for me as their father was sired by a male-maker. I still have no lineage info on the mother to this clutch though
I found the breeder that produced her but they aren’t replying to any contact attempts I’ve made unfortunately.
Every non-Banana in the clutch is female. I’m really tempted to hold back the possible Mystic Pewter and baby #2
RGI doesn’t have an option to shed test for Super Banana
Idk if I’m not looking for the right test but in the dropdown it doesn’t show anything for Banana or the super form of it.
Poop. I forgot that wasn’t an available test yet. Well … Maybe at some point. Otherwise as a boy I suppose you can still prove him out fairly soon.
I would possibly need to test for super coral glow next year. So I might be in this same boat soon.
Oh well. Until that happens I can always hold him back and keep him labeled as “Banana Pastel Lesser” until I can either prove him out through breeding or shed testing. I’d prefer the latter since I just wanted to do this clutch as a test run to see how breeding BPs feel for me, I dont really want a lot of BP clutches until I can get my hands on some really nice gene combos. (I do have one more pairing in the works with the same sire as this clutch and my Russ/Less BEL female. Hoping to see some neat babies from that pairing as well
After that I’ll be good on BP clutches for a while lol)
Besides that he is so nice looking in person and he’s the most mellow out of the clutch. Granted they are all pretty mellow lol, some are a bit nervous but they handle very well. Its a very different boat than Kingsnake hatchlings thats for sure!
Oooh… Mystic Russo are neat looking guys so that clutch should be pretty interesting!
Good luck on it!
I eventually need to whittle down on some of my BEL gene animals. Hahah. I’ve held back a few… And I didn’t plan on keeping 2 of my crystal male’s last offspring. But when he passed and they turned out not to be Baker line… I couldn’t say no. I might move out one of their half sisters though once I test them again for GCR or Noco.