8 small eggs, only 2 survived. At first I had a super lesser because of buggy eyes and something was mis identified. Then I saw some pattern. The only black light that saw anything was the “C” showing the same yellow stripe you can make out under normal light. Lots of pics because the marking is very very faint.
ID help please. These are small with narrow jaws.
F = Enchi + Fire + OD + Pastel + YB + pos het hypo
M = Banana + BP + Pin + lesser + Pastel
(no lock was witnessed during mating)
I am guessing super pastel + banana, but then what? YB? Fire? fire and lesser?
It’s black pastel. I remember I was confused for so long when I joined as I didn’t under stand why people where just bringing up “ball python” halfway through listing out the morphs
I try to shorten it to Blk pastel when I write it out in forums since I shorten ball python into BP. For headlines on ads I would probably say BP or Blk pastel.