Does anyone know of anyplace online trading reptiles? Or does MorphMarket have options for that?
What kind of trading are you looking for?
If you’re just looking to sell a snake and wanted to be open to the option of payment/trading in that way, MorphMarket does have the option for sellers to post ‘trades accepted’ on the ad. Typically they will follow up in the ad for what they are specifically looking for or won’t accept.
There isn’t an option to post wanted ads unfortunately, but I don’t know if that’s something they may consider down the line.
If you’re looking for something like a breeding loan/trade those are usually done in private between breeders that know each other well. I personally haven’t considered anything of the sort because the risk of scammers or just the possibility of disease or parasite transmissions as well.
Just looking to get rid of a few single gene bp’s that i know might not be worth a whole lot but might be useful in someones collection while also benefiting my collection