Tri stripe x genetic strip?

Has anyone here ever seen or heard of someone mixing tri stripe with genetic stripe?
What are your thoughts? Do you think they mix together well? Or are they too similar for you to imagine it having a drastic effect?


I personally haven’t seen anyone try and do it.

I feel like any results you could get wouldn’t be worth the trouble. It would be like trying to mix two axanthic lines. The similarities are too hard to tell apart if you somehow did hit a double recessive and the offspring would also be a disaster if you were working with double hets leading to possible het offspring.


I have the same worry but my curiosity is compelling me to try. I’m hoping it’s possible that the genetic stripe may compliment the tri stripe and just make the 3 striped pattern from the tri stripe more profound. I’m gonna try it out one day for sure if no one else does before me.


Think I’ve seen pictures of one and it wasn’t really spectacular like I had hoped.


100% sure or you think? I’m sorry to be extra and ask that lol I’m just making sure I don’t waste time in pursuit of the combo :sweat_smile::rofl:

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I’m never sure of anything. Will see if I can find a picture.

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Wow thanks so much bro I was looking all over and couldn’t find a picture of one :fire:
Btw I’m the op that other account was longed into by accident lol.

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Tbh I actually like the outcome a lot, way different then I imagined but really cool nonetheless imo.


I actually like it too. Just expected something very stripped.