This topic maybe premature but I have a 2017 female Super Special and she never wants to produce. Last year and this year she’s been bred and yet to produce. Granted I’m in the middle of this season but all my other breeders are growing follicles but she’s not! I’ve been breeding snakes for years and haven’t had problems with girls not wanting to produce. She’s over 2000grams and she has been breeding since November.
Any ideas on how to promote follicle growth?
PS I have her in with two other girls that have follicles to see if the theory of transference of follicles really works.
This is why I don’t like the term season lol. Maybe you aren’t breeding her when she wants to breed. As Im sure you know they don’t all lay the same time of year. 2017 isn’t really that old I have 2 females this year from 2016 that this will be there first year laying. They have both locked in the past.
I completely agree that there really isn’t a season. I have had girls develop follicles in June. My old boss Kevin from NERD breeds year round, I just thought if anybody has new tips I’d ask.
If she’s locking and not laying there’s nothing you can really do. You can’t force her to into ovulation lol. Be way easier if you could!!! I’m not a believer in temp manipulating for balls. I don’t think has any bearing on if they breed or lay. Buts that’s my opinion others I’m sure disagree.
What has her feeding schedule been throughout the year? How is her body condition? Most females ramp up feeding on their own before going through the process. There are so many factors to look at.
She’s packed on a lot over last summer and fall and stopped feeding January on her own. Like i mentioned it’s probably premature but I was just seeing if there were any additional tips that people use out of the ordinary.
For me this is one of the biggest indicators when they start lunging out of the tub. They feed heavily to build up fat reserves needed to produce eggs.