Trying identify my leopard geckos morphs

The first one is the dad second one is first mom those two are the ones I was never told what morphs they were the third one I was told she is a bell albino. Can anyone help me narrow this down I tried to identify them myself but I just got overwhelmed but the different types


The first looks like a tangerine, the second is a hypo, the third is an albino, since you were told it was a bell albino that’s likely what it is.


If I wanted to sell the hatchlings would I need to be more specific

Is the third one the hatchling from the first two or would you get hatchlings from the first two? You wouldn’t need to be more specific but I would wait for another opinion from someone more experienced to make sure my opinion is right.

No the third one is another mom these are my hatchlings from the first two

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If you are going to sell them I would recommend as “pet only” because you don’t know the genetics.