Ultrasnow (Ultramel Axanthic)

I have been working this project for a litte bit now and I think it has a ton of potential. What I like about it is that the Ultramel turns the Axanthic’s tendencies to ‘brown out’ with age into an advantage. As these get older they start to get some peachy highlights

Here is a picture of an Ultramel and Ultrasnow, and the same snake as a sub-adult

Also a picture of one of the Pied Triple Het (Ultramel, MJ Axanthic, and Cryptic/Clown) we hatched earlier this year


I get the why of the nomenclature. But in reality instead of being ‘ultra snow’ and blizzard like conditions or white out that would sound like…it’s dirty snow. Or like, the tundra.

Seriously though. It’s a great looking project. Hoping you get some great luck on the triple het recessive! That should be a neat looking snake.


I didn’t come up with the name… but Tundra has a nice ring to it. I do like the name Ultrasnow though