Unable to inquire on iOS App [4973]

Typed out an inquiry in the app 3 times. (Copied it on my 3rd attempt) and it fails to message the seller and just closes the window reloading the home page of the app.

The website worked fine, I tried it after the 3rd fail. Using an iPhone.


@eaglereptiles can you look into this.

@nswilkerson1 have you ever had this happened before?


Nope. Never had it happen before. I tried completely closing out of the app and trying it again and it did the same thing for me.

Is it a new change that it goes back to the home page after you send an inquiry? The website also did the same thing, but the inquiry went through though. Seems like it’s being very buggy. I thought normally when submitting an inquiry it just stayed on the animal page afterwards, no?


Yes, that is how it was. Maybe something got changed on accident. Definitely seems buggy.


Glad it isn’t just me that thought that. I know it’s been a little bit since I’ve inquired, but it didn’t seem right.

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Sounds like a bug thats been introduced in a recent update. Seems to be only effecting iOS users.

  1. Did you get a “Thanks, if some reason they dont respond…” banner?

  2. Do you see “inquired on xxxx” under the Inquire to Buy button on the ad?

  3. Which seller were you messaging?

  4. Did you sign up to MM using your apple ID?.. if so, can you check you mm email settings and see if your email address looks odd? Like 64gfurbru3grt36ru3urh4bf7h3r7y3@

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No, it seemed almost as if the app was crashing itself and restarting back at the Home Screen. Once I clicked the box to agree and then click send it seemed to stutter and then dump me back at the Home Screen. Even on the website, I didn’t get this message. I’m using safari for a browsers, but it did the same thing.

Only after inquiring on the site. I thought the way it went back to the Home Screen was odd so I checked to see if it actually sent and the app didn’t show anything, nor in my messages while the website after I inquired gave me that message below the button after going back to the animal.

Seller was robust reptiles

No, I just used an email address to sign up. Might be signed up with google, but definitely wasn’t through my Apple ID

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Nathan, are you on iOS version 16.5?

Literally 100% of reports of this have been from iOS 16.5 on iPhones

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@lumpy what iOS version are you on?


Nope, currently still on 16.1.1.

I’m bad about updating my iOS because it never seems to do it at night.

Edit: just realized I had to make it more difficult, by saying I wasn’t on 16.5 lol sorry @eaglereptiles

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16.5. :wink:
It was working for me a few weeks ago lol. I don’t think I’m gonna inquire just to find out though.


I will say, I just tried inquiring on my own ad, and it worked without issue now. So maybe it’s fixed?


Feel free to inquire on my ad if you don’t want to feel like you’re wasting someone’s time lol

Edit: only reason I’m suggesting you try it on my ad is because it worked for me a few weeks ago too, until about 12 days ago lol


Sure I can try that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks like it works for you as well now. @eaglereptiles could this have been “accidentally” fixed since this post was first created?


@nswilkerson1 it worked for me :wink: