I’ve been unable to reach Morphmarket.com using the Google Chrome Browser or any browsers based off of Chrome. The Chrome apps on both my iPhone and Android phone will also not load the website. In all cases it will eventually time out with a message to check my connection. I have switched my phones’ wifi off, used the global data exclusively and I still cannot reach the website or the community with Chrome.
Firefox has no such issues.
This has only happened in the last 24 hours and nothing I do seems to be fixing it. Am I the only one with this issue or are others experiencing it as well?
I’m using it on Chrome, on an Android phone, running OS 11, with no issues. Are you going directly to the homepage to access the site, or are you trying to access it through an old page link? And no other websites are doing this to you?
The first thing I did was check all of the other websites that I usually visit. None of them are having this issue.
It’s so bizarre. The only reason I thought others might be having the same issue is because it makes absolutely no sense that it also doesn’t work on my phones even with wifi disabled.
Seems to be an isolated incident with the app, I suggest deleting Chrome and reinstalling it, or going back to the app’s original update and then updating to the most recent available on the Google Play Market.
We have a related problem we have been trying to fix, which is that some users get an “offline” message (when they are not really offline, nor are we). We believe it involves SSL certificates. As part of the process to address this, we transferred our domain from godaddy to google yesterday. I have a feeling the problem you’re seeing is related to this change.
Can you try www.morphmarket.com (with www) and see if that works differently?
Also I see some of our DNS records have not propagated yet fully and this can take a day or two at worst case, which could explain why some people are still having an issue. But hopefully step 2 above would help here. DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool
I will talk to my tech team and see what else they suggest.
I’m a hold over from the 90s so I still type www infront of everything even though I’ve been told by others I no longer need to. I cleared my cache before making the thread because I thought it might still be something that broke with Chrome. I also reset everything back to defaults incase that would help.
Nothing that I did, including resetting my devices, seems to have worked.
A day later and somehow I can now get to MorphMarket with Chrome again, both on PC and with iPhone and Android apps. I still couldn’t get to the community page until an hour ago though so it seems whatever is going on is solving itself or being solved piece by piece.
Also I see some of our DNS records have not propagated yet fully and this can take a day or two at worst case, which could explain why some people are still having an issue. But hopefully step 2 above would help here. DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool
It can take up to 24-72 hours for DNS to fully propagate. It’s unfortunate that there would be any “downtime” but the good news is that should almost all be passed. But let us know if you still see issues in a day or two, thanks!