Unable to view photos within messages on morphmarket site

Noticed this today, as I usually check my messages in my email as it’s easier to deal with. However trying to access a photo within the morphmarket app or even on the website using my iPhone (safari browser iPhone 13 Pro) I am just left staring at a black screen.

Any fix for this? @eaglereptiles @brittni-admin


I am seeing this too @eaglereptiles and @brittni-admin


It happens to me also i assumed it was when the person on the other end deleted the message

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Unfortunately it’s all message threads, even ones that I have that are currently active

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I apologize, is this still occuring? I am not able to reproduce the issue. Can you please email support@morphmarket.com so we can get more info, such as links to the affected message threads? Thanks!


Yes, it is. I’ll email now. Its every single message thread on morphmarket, I can’t view any of the photos.

also just to add to this, it isn’t just a mobile thing. I tested it now on my desktop and i’m left seeing nothing but a black screen with an X in the top left corner.

Seems to be fixed now, just fyi.


yeah working for me too now